Urban Act > MURAL ART PROJECTS > Athens World Book Capital 2018 > 26th Primary School, Athens, “World Book Capital”

26th Primary School, Athens, “World Book Capital”

ARTIST: Life In Colour

LOCATION: Athens, Greece

DATE: 2018

UrbanAct implemented the “School Mural Programme-Bookmurals”, in the 26th Primary school in Athens.

The project is part of the “Athens World Book Capital 2018 City of Athens”, an international distinction received by the Municipality of Athens and city of Athens from Unesco, for one year from 23 of April 2018 till 22 of April 2019.

Sponsors: Praktiker, Vivechrom ΔΡ ΣΤ. Δ. ΠΑΤΕΡΑΣ Α.Ε., Flame, Zisimopoulos, Lifo, Isupportstreetart