Urban Act > Campaigns > In The Name Of Alkis > 4th & 11th Primary Schools, Neapoli, Thessaloniki

4th & 11th Primary Schools, Neapoli, Thessaloniki

ARTIST: Life In Colour

LOCATION:Sykees-Neapoli, Greece

DATE: 2023

“Public murals against fan violence”

2nd mural against fan violence.

4th and 11th Primary schools, Municipality of Neapolis & Sikeon

Collaborating organization: “In The Name Of Alkis”

Under the hospitality of the 4th and 11th Primary schools and Parents schools associations

Under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and the Municipality of Neapoli and Sikeon

Sponsors: OK Grocery, Vivechrom, Capsis Hotel Thessaloniki

Supporters: Flame, A. Zisimopoulos S.A.