Urban Act > EDITIONS - BOOKS > “Mural Masters”. UrbanAct x Gingko Press

“Mural Masters”. UrbanAct x Gingko Press

EDITOR: Kiriakos Iosifidis



PUBLISHING: Gingko Press


“Mural Masters” 

It has been ten years since our effort to present to the general public a total project of murals from artists from all over the world began.

It was the three-volume series of albums entitled MURALART:Murals on Huge Surfaces around the World—from Graffiti to Trompe l’oeil,

where over 400 artists representing all the techniques and all ages were involved.


In our new album “Mural Masters”, we present the level to which the art of public murals has risen today,

including samples of what will follow in the future. We have chosen to present almost a hundred artists who bring

a new spotlight to today’s public murals.


We thank everyone who participated and supported this publication, who once again trusted us and devoted their time.

Respect and love for all, and we are moving forward with the hope of taking another step further in our common struggle:

for beautiful cities with creative and participatory citizens.


Gingko Press Inc.

272 pages / 4color / hardcover